Volume 2 Chapter 5
- Written by LC Geerts
- Published in Compendium of World History
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A Dissertation Presented to The Faculty of the Ambassador College Graduate School of Education In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy
by Herman L. Hoeh
1963 1966, 1969 Edition
Many a school boy has heard of Odin, the great Norse hero. But how many realize that Odin was a real king of Denmark? That he founded the kingdom of Denmark in the days of David, king of Israel? That he visited Solomon's temple? of that Odin was the first Danish king to cross the Atlantic -- as did Danish Vikings centuries later?
For centuries Danes revered the history of their nation. Not until the atheistic educational philosophy of German schools permeated their country did the Danes discard the early history of their nation. Modern historians, imbued with the idea that myth was the only form in which early man knew how to write, treat all Danish history as myth. They have never investigated to see whether it were so. of course myth was grafted in the Middle Ages on the early history of Denmark. That tragedy befell all nations under the sway of religious superstition in the Middle Ages.
But that does not proof that the essential core of early Danish history is invalid. Today historians labor under the delusion that history was artificially created after traditional mythology had long been established. Not so. Recorded and traditional history around the world was carefully preserved in palaces and royal libraries. Only later did myth embrace history,
Now is the time to restore the lost history of Denmark. The most accessible outline of Danish history is that found in Anderson's 'Royal Genealogies'. Many other volumes contribute to the story, but only Anderson's work correctly preserves in English the chronology of the early period.
Danish written history properly begins with the first king to bear rule over the Danish or Cymbric peninsula. That king was Danus I. In Danish history he is also called Dan I. He was the first Odin or Votan -- from the Hebrew 'adonai' meaning 'lord.'
Denmark originally received its name from the tribe of the Danaan. It passed to the king who took the name of the subjects over whom he ruled.
King Dan I commenced his reign in 1040. This was the year of the break-up of the German realm. The division of German territory among the three sons of Wolfheim -- Kells, Gall and Hiller -- left the seafarers of the far northwest of Europe without leadership. To fill the void the German and Hebrew inhabitants of Denmark called upon the scion of the Trojan House to reign over them. That scion was Dan I. He lived at the time in Thrace.
The present kings of Northwestern Europe and Great Britain are all related to Dan I of Denmark. The 'Saxon Chronicle' commences the line of Dan I with the following two names: 'Noah, Sem.' Thereafter a long break occurs in the genealogy -- similar to the Biblical statement: 'Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham' (Matthew l:l).
This gap in Odin's genealogy is partially filled in by the Icelandic 'Langfedgatal'. After Sem, the 'Langfedgatal' gives the following genealogy on Odin's father's side:
'Saturnus of Krit |
Jupiter |
Darius |
Erichhonius |
Troes |
Ilus |
Lamedon |
Priam, King of Troy |
Minon or Memnon, who married Priam's daughter. Their son was Tror, whom we call Thor, the father of Hloritha. |
Thor |
Einridi |
Vingethorr |
Vingener |
Moda |
Magi |
Seskef, or Sescef.' |
In Danish literature Seskef -- sometimes spelled Sceaf -- is a title of Odin. It means a 'sheaf' of grain. Odin claimed to be a kind of savior, or a lord. He laid claim to being the sheaf that symbolically represented the Messiah (Leviticus 23:9-14).
But why should Dan I, a king of Denmark, copy a ceremony perpetuated by the law of Moses? Is there a connection between Odin and Israel?
The answer is found in who Saturnus of Krit, ancestor of Odin, really was. In modern English the name would be Saturn of Crete. There were many Saturns in antiquity, often confused with one another. Usually the name was applied to a man who flees or who hides himself.
Saturn is a Latin word derived from a root meaning to flee into hiding. The Greek term was Kronos. This particular Saturn of Crete was so famous that the Phoenician historian Sanchoniathon spoke of him. Fragments of his works have been preserved by Eusebius in 'Preparation of the Gospel', book i, ch. x. Here are his words: 'For Kronus or (Saturn), whom the Phoenicians call Israel ....' ('Corey's Ancient Fragments of the Phoenician, Carthaginian, Babylonian, Egyptian and other Authors', by E. Richmond Hodges, page 21.)
Israel was the name of Jacob. That would make Odin a son of Shem and a son of Jacob. But why was Jacob called Saturn? Because Jacob became famous for fleeing or hiding from his enemies. Jacob's mother warned him of his brother Esau's wrath: 'Now, therefore, my son, hearken to my voice; and arise, flee thou to Laban my brother in Haran' (Genesis 27:43). 'And it was told Laban ... that Jacob was fled' -- this time back to Palestine. (Gen. 31:22).
But how is one to account for the title to Crete in Jacob's name? Certainly Jacob did not have title to it prior to descending into Egypt. The answer is, Jacob obtained it from Pharaoh in Egypt.
Here are the facts. Egypt was a vast Mediterranean power in the days of Jacob. One of the areas early settled by Egyptians was the island of Crete, an important naval gateway in the Mediterranean. From Crete -- Caphtor in Hebrew -- came the Philistines (Jer. 47:4 and Amos 9:7). The Philistines descended from Mizraim, father of the Egyptians (Gen. 10:13-14). Ruling over the Egyptians and Philistines in Crete and the eastern Nile Delta was a little-known dynasty of Egyptian kings. They are mentioned in the 'Book of Sothis' by Sncellus. Manetho does not include them among his dynasties.
The king of this dynasty, who was subject to the jurisdiction of the great Pharaoh in Egypt, was Rameses (l744-1715). Because of Joseph's service to the Egyptian government, the Pharaoh transferred primary title to the Land from the line of Rameses to the line of Israel -- and that included not only Goshen, but Crete!
And that is how Israel (Jacob) anciently obtained title to the island of Crete.
The 'Langfedgatal' genealogy of Odin of Denmark may therefore be clarified as follows:
Saturnus of Krit -- Israel or Jacob (1856-1709) |
Jupiter, son of Saturn of Krit -- Judah |
Darius, descendant of Jupiter (Judah) -- is Dara or Darda (see the family name in I Chronicles 2:4,6); Josephus calls him Dardanus (1477-1412); he fled Italy and founded Troy (the Norse geneaology skips the names of Tarah and Mahol between Judah and Darda) |
Erichhonius -- Ericthonius (1412-1366), second king of Troy |
Troes -- Tros (1366-1326), third king of Troy |
Ilus -- Illus (1326-1277), fourth king of Troy |
Lamedon -- Laomedon (1277-1233), fifth king of Troy |
Priam -- Priamus (1233-1181), king of Troy during first Trojan war. |
Eighth in descent from Priam was Seskef, who was Danus I or Odin (Votan), first king of Denmark -- 1040-999. Odin was a Hebrew, of the line of Judah, from whom the chief rulers were to come. 'For Judah prevailed above his brethren, and of him came the chief ruler' (I Chron. 5:2).
Now consider over whom Odin ruled in Northwest Europe.
King Danus' realm extended far beyond the reaches of the Danish peninsula. The people over whom he ruled were a collection of tribes which constituted the greatest sea power of the time -- the Pelasgians or sea people. From the list of sea powers, commented on in Volume I of the Compendium, it is proofd that the Pelasgians were Hebrews and their allies. Their chief center of habitation was Palestine. Denmark was one of several overseas settlements. Israel gained power in 1057, shortly before the break-up of Germany in Europe. They retained it until 972, when Solomon's kingdom in Palestine was split. For the Israelites to have obtained dominion of the sea in 1057 in the Mediterranean and Atlantic presupposes that they already were living along the western shores of Europe before that date.
When and how did the Children of Israel migrate to Western Europe? The answer is found in Cymbric or Welsh history.
A fragmentary Welsh record, called the Welsh Triad, reads as follows: 'First was the race of the Cymry, who came with Hu Gadarn to Ynys Prydain.' Hu came from 'the land of summer' -- a land located somewhere in what later constituted the realm of Constantinople (the capital of the eastern Roman Empire). He journeyed to Ynys Pridain -- the Welsh name of the Isle of Britain. This first major settlement preceded the migration in 1149 of Brutus of Troy to Britain.
Who was Hu Gadarn? Gadarn is a Welsh word. It means the 'Mighty.' Hu was a short form of the Old Celtic name Hesus ('Origines Celticae', by Edwin Guest, vol. 2, p. 9). Hesus is the Celtic -- and also the Spanish -- pronunciation of Jesus. Was there a famous 'Jesus' who lived in the balmy summerland of the eastern Mediterranean centuries before the time of Jesus the Christ? Most certainly! It is found in Hebrews 4:8, 'For if Jesus that is, Joshua) had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day.'
Jesus was merely the Greek form of the Hebrew name Joshua. Hu or Hesus the Mighty was Joshua the Mighty, the great general who led Israel into Palestine. And the Welsh Triad records that in his later years he also settled Israel peaceably in the British Isle. From there, for trading purposes, they spread to the coasts of the continent which were subject to the German Cymry -- the descendants of the German king Cimbrus (1679-1635). That is how Israel in Denmark came to be known by the tribal name of Cymry.
As time elapsed the peninsula of Denmark became a chief area of trade and commerce. It is strategically located to dominate both North and Baltic sea trade. So together with the original German tribes of the Cymry and Dauciones were migrants from Britain. In 1040 the Hebrew Cymry called for a descendant of Judah, a royal scion of the House of Troy, to rule over them. Odin answered the call and led a migration out of Thrace into Denmark and neighboring regions. The deeds of Odin upon becoming king over the Cymry (sometimes spelled Cymbri) will be included in a later section on the American Indian.
Below is the genealogical and historical line of Judah that descended from Odin. Through intermarriage the line of Odin has permeated throughout Western Europe. Small wonder that the lion of Judah is the symbol on the coat of arms and shields of the royalty of Northwestern Europe.
Kings of Denmark |
Lengths of Reign |
Dates |
1. Danus I, or Odin first king of Denmark |
41 |
1040-999 |
2. Humblus, son of Odin |
8 |
999-991 |
3. Lotherus, son of Odin |
17 |
991-974 |
4. Boghius |
5 |
974-969 |
5. Scioldus, son of Lotherus |
80 |
969-889 |
6. Gram (or Gran) Slain by Suibdagerus, a king of Norway, in battle; wives were Groa a Swede, and Signe of Finland. |
31 |
889-858 |
7. Suibdagerus King of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, who, by force, married Gran's daughter and conquered Denmark. |
40 |
858-818 |
8. Guthormus, son of Queen Signe Reigned 14 years contemporary with Suibdagerus. |
14 |
832-818 |
9. Hadingus, another son of Signe and Gram |
54 |
818-764 |
10. Frotho I, son of Hadingus |
77 |
764-687 |
11. Haldanus I, son of Frotho |
56 |
687-631 |
12. Rhoe, son of Haldanus |
63 |
631-568 |
13. Helgo, son of Haldanus Reigned contemporary with his brother. |
34 |
628-594 |
14. Rolvo, son of Helgo by his own daughter Ursa. Became king after death of Rhoe; was killed by Attile, king of Sweden, who conquered Denmark. |
41 |
568-527 |
15. Hotherus, great-grandson of Hadingus, son of king Hotobrodus of Sweden. King of Denmark and Sweden. |
42 |
527-485 |
16. Roric Slyngeband, son of Hotherus |
49 |
485-436 |
17. Wigletus, son of Roric |
48 |
436-388 |
18. Guitalchus |
32 |
388-356 |
19. Vermundus, son of Wigletus |
61 |
356-295 |
20. Uffe, son of Vermundus |
30 |
295-265 |
21. Danus II, son of Uffe |
37 |
265-228 |
22. Hugletus the Little, son of Danus II |
52 |
228-176 |
23. Frotho II, son of Hugletus |
30 |
176-146 |
24. Danus III, son of Frotho In his time the German Cymbrians joined the Teutons in a terrible war against Rome in 113. Italy would have been conquered if the consul Marius had not defeated them utterly. |
69 |
146- 77 |
25. Fridlevus I, the Swift, son of Danus |
37 |
77- 40 |
26. Frotho III, the Pacific, son of Fridlevus ('A.D.') King of Denmark, Sweden and Norway. |
54 |
40- 15 |
INTERREGNUM for nearly |
4 years |
15- 19 |
27. Hiarnus, a poet |
2 |
19- 21 |
28. Fridlevus II, son of Frotho |
12 |
21- 33 |
29. Frotho IV, the Liberal, son of Fridlevus |
46 |
33- 79 |
30. Ingellus Wendemothius, son of Frotho |
23 |
79-102 |
31. Olaus I, son of Ingellus |
10 |
102-112 |
32. Haraldus I, reigned contemporary with brother |
5 |
112-117 |
33. Frotho V, brother of Haraldus |
19 |
112-131 |
34. Haraldus II, son of Haraldus I |
10 |
131-141 |
35. Haldanus II, son of Haraldus II Reigned 10 years contemporary with brother, 5 years alone. |
15 |
131-146 |
36. Unquinus, king of Gothland, succeeded son-in-law Haldanus in Denmark. |
9 |
146-155 |
37. Sivaldus I, son of Unquinus |
22 |
155-177 |
38. Sigarus, son of Sivaldus |
13 |
177-190 |
39. Sivaldus II, son of Sigarus |
11 |
190-201 |
INTERREGNUM -- Rule of 5 governors |
40 |
201-241 |
40. Haldanus III, married Guritha, granddaughter of Sigarus. |
20 |
241-261 |
41. Haraldus III, (Hilletand or Hilderand), son of Haldanus; died in Sweden after a seven-year war, during which time his daughter Haditha governed Denmark. |
66 |
261-327 |
42. Olaus II, brother of Haditha |
4 |
327-331 |
43. Osmund, son of Olaus |
10 |
331-341 |
44. Sivardus I, son of Osmund |
9 |
341-350 |
45. Buthlus, brother of Sivardus |
1 |
350-351 |
46. Jarmericus, son of Sivardus |
16 |
351-367 |
47. Broderus, son of Jarmericus |
2 |
367-369 |
48. Sivaldus III, son of Broderus |
9 |
370-379 |
49. Snio (or Sino), son of Silvaldus. |
22 |
379-401 |
The next seven kings lived mostly abroad. They succeeded each other as father and son.
50. Roderic |
10 |
401-411 |
51. Sueno I |
55 |
411-467 |
52. Guitlachus |
50 |
467-517 |
53. Haraldus IV |
46 |
481-527 |
54. Eschyllus |
16 |
527-543 |
55. Veremundus |
78 |
543-621 |
56. Osmund II |
75 |
621-696 |
The following kings lived in Denmark.
57. Biorno |
4 |
696-701 |
58. Baldrus, son of Biorno |
6 |
701-707 |
59. Haraldus V, son of Baldrus |
8 |
707-715 |
60. Gormo I, son of Haraldus |
50 |
715-765 |
61. Gotricus or Godfrey or Sigfrid, commences invasions of England 787 |
45 |
765-810 |
62. Olaus III Because Gotricus became the great legislator of the Danes, his reign is often begun from the year 777 as follows: |
1 |
810-811 |
Gotricus (or Godfrey), called Sigfrid |
33 |
777-810 |
Olaus III or Olabus |
2 |
810-812 |
63. Hemmingius or Hemmingus or Heningus |
4 |
812-816 |
64. Sivard II |
2 |
816-818 |
65. Ringo, contemporary with Sivard II |
2 |
816-818 |
66. Regner |
13 |
818-831 |
67. Harald VI |
3 |
818-821 |
68. Sivard III, the last heathen king of Denmark. |
3 |
831-834 |
69. Eric I, the first king of Denmark to adopt Christianity. |
1 |
834-835 |
During much of this and the preceding period Denmark was plagued by joint reigns, disputed succession, and lesser kings who seized on part of the realm. Whole tribes left the peninsula to settle permanently in England. They were called Danes, but were, in fact, of Anglo-Saxon stock.
70. Eric II, called Barno, the Child |
24 |
835-859 |
71. Canute I, surnamed the Small |
20 |
859-879 |
72. Frotho VI |
1 |
879-880 |
73. Gormo II (or Guthran or Gormund) |
13 |
880-893 |
74. Harald VII, Parcus, or the Niggard |
8 |
893-901 |
75. Gormo III or Guthram or or Godrum or Gormund |
30 |
901-931 |
76. Harald VIII, called Blaatand |
48 |
931-979 |
77. Sueno II or Suen-Otto, called Forked Beard |
35 |
979-1014 |
78. Ericus, King of Sweden became King of Denmark in 988 for 7 years, till slain by his own servants, when Suen-Otto was restored by Scottish assistance. |
7 |
988-995 |
79. Canute II or King Knut the Great, united Scandinavia under his realm, it fell apart at his death. Became king of England 1016. |
21 |
1014-1035 |
From this date on any thorough work on Denmark will satisfactorily present its history. With the death of Canute a period of 2074 years ended since the founding of the monarchy.