The Syrian Goddess, The Land of the Hittites
The following advertisement appeared at the end of The Syrian Goddess. It is included for completeness.--JBH
The Land of the Hittites. BY PROFESSOR J. GARSTANG, D.Sc. With Photographs, Maps, Plans and a Bibliography. (12/6net.)
[This] "work will be the standard authority on the subject for a long while to come."--Prof. Sayce, in the Introduction.
"Professor Garstang's book will be of great value to students of Near Eastern antiquity, and must supersede all predecessors written with a like purpose. . . With great skill, acuteness, and patience, the author has laid not only the Boghaz-Keui tablets, the records of Tell-el-Amarna, and others longer known, in hieroglyphic and cuneiform under contribution, but also the archlogical evidence from various sites, many of which he has himself visited and studied with the eyes of a trained excavator."--The Times(Literacy Supplement).
"It is a great book. For the subject is a greater one than some have realised yet, and Professor Garstang rises to the height of it."--Expository Times.
"The book is the work of a scholar, quietly written, the fruit of thought, study and personal exploration. It stands as a contribution to learning."--Cambridge Review.
"The last 75 pages contain a valuable attempt to piece together the history of the Hittite States from the scanty and often perplexing data now available in Egyptian and cuneiform documents."--Manchester Guardian.
"It is no small achievement to have recovered some pages from the history of three thousand years ago, and this valuable and interesting piece of synthetical work will take its place among the growing store of books which are giving us an insight into the realities of that distant past, and slowly but inevitably forcing a reconsideration of the usual ideas of the Bible lands."--Guardian.
"The book is a noteworthy work of British archlogical scholarship."--The Scotsman.
"The scheme which Professor Garstang has followed in these pages resembles the method he has adopted in his work of research; everything is carefully recorded and classified in such a way as to bring it clearly and in its proper order before the reader, while the Bibliography and Appendices help to consolidate and buttress the whole."--Glasgow Herald. "Its references are many and excellent; it is well written, and is packed with photographs and maps. An Appendix, among other things, contains a Hittite bibliography, of very great use to every student."--Bookman.
"Nowhere will the reader be able to find a more careful and trustworthy account of the successive stages in the history of this famous and forgotten people than in Professor Garstang's pages."--New York City.
"Professor Garstang, who has conducted two expeditions from Liverpool, has done yeoman's service in presenting in popular form a historical, descriptive and critical account of the recovered monuments and their significance."--Educational Times.
"An able and informing hook on recent archlogical exploration and discoveries in Asia Minor."--Nature.
"The book is admirably illustrated, not only with reproductions of the monuments of the Hittite race, but also, in fulfilment of the promise of the title, with views of Anatolia and North Syria which bring before the reader the land which was their home. . . . A valuable contribution to Biblical archaeology."--Churchman.
"A notable feature of the book is the numerous illustrations, which, apart from views of purely Hittite monuments, give an excellent idea of the country and its present population."--Illustrated London News.
"The story of the resurrection of the Hittite race and empire from the ghostly realm of legend to which they had been consigned by many hasty historians is part of the romance of history."--Liverpool Courier.
"Illustrated with maps and plans, and just upon too photographs, the work will, as we have said, Evidence fascinating to all readers possessed of any taste for learning of the distant, misty past which history is patiently clearing."--Daily Telegraph.
"Students of history and Scripture are deeply indebted to Professor Garstang for this well written, well illustrated and well indexed volume."--Christian World.
"Very much in advance of any hitherto published account of the Hittite greatness."--The Spectator.
"A learned, interesting, and beautifully illustrated volume."--Catholic Times.
"In learning the history of this most interesting people under his guidance we have the advantage of receiving our information from one whose deductions and judgments have hitherto been singularly justified."--Liverpool Post.
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- Published in The Syrian Goddess
- Written by LC Geerts