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Chapter 2. Creations

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Chapter 2


Revised and updated by the author

By route of the stories in the Bible beginning with Genesis 1 I will try to compose a 'new' way to read the Bible. We will look at the Bible as an historically authentic book with the help of the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha books mentioned in chapter 1 in which we can find more detailed background information of the stories in the Bible during the same events. With this in mind we will search together for the relationship between the Bible and the other books.

1. Creation of the Earth

As far as Scholars know now the Earth was born out of a gas-cloud that was created by the Big-Bang, about 15 billion years ago. One of these gas-clouds created our Sun and all the planets of our solar system including the Earth about 4,6 billion years ago.

The Bible starts with the creation story of the Earth and how the Earth was filled with all kind of life forms. In The Bible we can read as follows: Gn:1:1: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Gn:1:2: And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

On the first day God created the Lights, on the second day he separated the Heavens and the Waters, on the third day the oceans, dry land and plants and trees, on the fourth day the sun and the moon (day and night), on the fifth day fish and birds, on the sixth day animals and man (male and female) in his own image.

In The Book of Jubilees (chapter 2) we can read in more detail of the creation on the first day: For on the first day He created the heavens which are above and the earth and the waters and all the spirits which serve before him the angels of the presence, and the angels of sanctification, and the angels [of the spirit of fire and the angels] of the spirit of the winds, and the angels of the spirit of the clouds, and of darkness, and of snow and of hail and of hoar frost, and the angels of the voices and of the thunder and of the lightning, and the angels of the spirits of cold and of h'eat', and of winter and of spring and of autumn and of summer and of all the spirits of his creatures which are in the heavens and on the earth.

A similar detailed story we can read in The book of the Cave of Treasures we can read: In the beginning, on the First Day, which was the holy First Day of the Week, the chief and Firstborn of all the days, God created the heavens, and the earth, and the waters, and the air, ( the fire, and the hosts which are invisible (that is to say, the Angels, Archangels, Thrones, Lords, Principalities, Powers, Cherubim and Seraphim), and all the ranks and companies of Spiritual beings, and the Light, and the Night, and the Day-time, and the gentle winds and the strong winds (i.e. storms). All these were created on the First Day. And on the First Day of the Week the Spirit of holiness, one of the Persons of the Trinity, hovered over the waters and through the hovering thereof over the; face of the waters, the waters were blessed so that they might become producers of offspring, and they became hot, and the whole nature of the waters glowed with h'eat', and the leaven of creation was united to them.

Why this story is not mentioned in the Bible can only be explained that it either wasn't an important enough event or that it was omitted on purpose because the writers of Genesis could not explain the enormous amount of Heavenly and Arch Angels and Spirits. When we read the above verses carefully it looks very similar to the spirits in which 'primitive' communities still believe today.

The clause 'And on the First Day of the Week the Spirit of holiness, one of the Persons of the Trinity' in the book of the Cave of Treasures sound familiar when reading the New Testament Bible where is spoken of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. Thousands of years before the Bible was written the Sumerians honored their TRIAD OF GODS, The Father ANU, the son ENLIL and the holy spirit ENKI. Enki was also known a spirit who hovered over the waters of the Abyss.

2. Creation of MAN

In The Bible we can read the following: Genesis 1:26-31 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for m'eat'. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for m'eat': and it was so. And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Genesis 2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

So as we have read man was a look a like or replica of God himself. He was created with the Genes of God and primates living on Earth at that time (Homo Erectus?). Reading the Bible carefully the reader should have noticed that in the above verses God created MALE and FEMALE who were allowed to 'eat' the beast and fowl, green herbs and the fruit of ALL trees. Further God commanded his Earthly creation to multiply and replenish the Earth. And all was very good and God finished his creations.

Who was God and where did He come from, why did he create man knowing that his creation would fail. Was he trying to create a new race from Genes of himself in his 'laboratories', as we have tried to do in the last decennia in our laboratories all over the world? Was the creation of man an experiment? We can read later on in the Bible that his first creation failed and God destroyed this creation with the flood.

How did his creations called 'MAN' look, was the look of this creations the same as we look today? Was 'MAN' really our ancestor? NO! He was not.

We will see later from verse (Gn:4:26:) that the Bible is only talking about MEN and no longer speaking of MAN. What is the difference between MEN and MAN?, (a different race?, his second creation?, the difference between the offspring of MAN and the offspring of ADAM? or the difference between the God who created them.)? we will see later in this chapter that there was indeed a difference.

We read further in The Bible: Gn:2:4: These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,

Even in the Bible its author wrote of Generations (more then one Generation). Who were the generations of HEAVENS? And who were the generations of EARTH? Later in this chapter we will see who the were. But was all very good? NO! The Earth as He created it was not good enough because we can read in Genesis 2 that he created another man who was put in a Garden, thus separated from his first creation.

We read further in The Bible: Genesis 2:5-7 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and br'eat'hed into his nostrils the br'eat'h of life; and man became a living soul.

This is in direct contradiction with Genesis 1 where a male and female had already been created. So the conclusion can be made that a second creation was made because we can read in the above verses that a man was created form the dust of the ground and later a female was created from one rib of the man (a strange second creation?). Not only we can find prove that this conclusion is correct from the clay tablets found in Mesopotamia, which are thousands of years older than the Bible, is spoken of several creations before the final creation of mankind. But also in the Bible itself.

The reason why God created a man (male) for the second time in my opinion was due to the fact he was not fully satisfied with his first creation (male and female) and needed a man who could maintain the Garden he created and he called it the Garden of Eden. When we read this verses carefully we can come to the conclusion that a second creation is indeed spoken of because after this creation God made the Garden of Eden to put this creation in it to separate him from the first creation. We will see later that this was indeed the reason. Another detail is that the man had no name before Genesis 2:19.

In The Bible we can read the following: Gn:2:8: And the Lord God planted a Garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.

The clause in Genesis:2:9: 'And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the Garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil' looks a little strange but will be clear for the reader when we discuss the story after Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden, later in this chapter.

We read further in The Bible: Genesis 2:18-22 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living cr'eat'ure, that was the name thereof. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

And God give his second creation 'Man' a name, Adam. The clause 'but for Adam there was not found an help meet' * looks a little strange but when reading Genesis 1 we can imagine that God first tried to find someone of his first creation as 'helpmeet' but he decided to create a new one from Adam's own flesh and blood so he took Adam and caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam? What was the deep sleep that falls on Adam, a kind of 'narcosis' as we do now during an operation in our Hospitals? Was it an ancient gene-splicing process or something similar?

* Note: At first God decided to search for a help meet and NOT for a wife for Adam? The conclusion can be made that God had no intension to create a woman to make it possible for Adam to reproduce himself. In the Sumerian clay tablets we can read the same story which will be discussed in later chapters.

Until now I have only used verses from the Bible but from this point on we will also read from other books mentioned in chapter 1. An important source we can find in the, so called, Forgotten Books of Eden.

We can read in The First Book of Adam and Eve: Chapter 1: 4 And God created that sea of his own good pleasure, for He knew what would come of the man He would make; so that after he had left the Garden, on account of his transgression, men should be born in the earth.

We can read here that there is indeed a difference between Man and Men. A further strange detail is that God had already pleasure knowing that MAN should fail and he also knew that the new creation should be called MEN (Homo Sapiens?) and should be born on Earth. We will see later in chapter 4 to 8 that MEN was created shortly after the Great Flood.

Bet there were more creations which we can find in The Apocalypse of Adam (the story Adam told to his son Seth) where we can read: Then the God, who created us, created a son from himself and Eve, your mother. I knew sweet desire for your mother. Then the vigor of our eternal knowledge was destroyed in us, and weakness pursued us. Therefore the days of our lives became few. For I knew that I had come under the authority of death.

The 'God of creation' created a 'son' from himself and Eve? Did He had intercourse with Eve or did he only use the genes or the womb of Eve to create another MAN? YES! He used Eve's womb and His genes. So was 'born' CAIN.

Prove that Cain was NOT a son of Adam and Eve clearly can be read in the clause "I knew sweet desire for your mother'. It looks like Adam loved Eve and he was jealous that the God of creation 'used' Eve to create Cain. The meaning of the clause 'Then the vigor of our eternal knowledge was destroyed in us and weakness pursued us' will become clear later in this chapter, Eve became fructuous and because of that 'The Lord God' decided to expel them from the Garden of Eden and He placed them on Earth to 'produce' their own children. The meaning of the clause 'Therefore the days of our lives became few. For I knew that I had come under the authority of death' will also become clear soon, Adam and Eve were forced to live on Earth under bad conditions. conditions they were not used to in the Garden of Eden. Due to this new life conditions their 'normal' lifetime shortened and they became sensitive for diseases.

We read further in The Apocalypse of Adam: Since that time we learned about dead things, like men. Then we recognized the God who had created us. For we were not strangers to his powers. And we served him in fear and slavery. And after these events we became darkened in our hearts. Now I slept in the thought of my heart.

Since that time Adam and Eve learned about 'dead things', like MEN? Adam and Eve were clearly not of the same 'race' as MEN. Another strange detail is that Adam and Eve served 'The God of creation' in fear and slavery, Fear and Slavery?, does this mean that they were 'slaves' of 'The God of creation' ? YES! He also used genes of himself and Eve and so was born CAIN and the eternal knowledge was destroyed after the 'creation' of that 'strange' son. We will see later that Cain was NOT a son of Adam and Eve. It was 'the God of creation' a different God then 'The Lord God' in the Bible. The Gods were in the beginning stadium creating a suitable 'slave' but it's clear that they were not finished yet and we know that Cain was also a failure. (see later the story of the Sin-Fall).

As mentioned above there were 3 Gods (trinity, triad of Gods) consisting of Anu, Enlil and Enki. From the Sumerian tablets (see later chapters) we will learn that Anu was the leader God and of Heaven, Enlil the God of Air, wind and storms, a warrior God and Enki the God of Water, creation and of Wisdom, who planted The Garden of Eden (Sumerian Edin). (his sign was a serpent and water flowing from his shoulders). Later in this chapter we will meet Enlil and Enki again.

In chapter 8 and 9 about the Gods of Sumer and Babylonia we will see that the leaders of the Gods (Anunnaki) 'produced' a slave race to do the work for them and Enki/Ea (one of the triad of Gods) was the leader Creator of 'slaves' Man and Men and Anu and EL or ENLIL were the unfriendly Gods (see later chapters).

After reading the above we have already found six different creations namely :

1. The Generations of Heavens, we will see later that they were called Angels (Lower, Heavenly and Arch Angels). The Sumerians called them Anunnaki (see later)
2. The Man of Genesis 1 (Male and Female), second creation (Arch Angels)
3. The Man called Adam, third creation, also an Arch angel (see later)
4. Eve, in the likeness of Adam, fourth creation
5. Cain, fifth creation
6. MEN, sixth creation (see chapter 6, 7 and 8)

As could clearly been read above we already have six types of creation, six different races. But were they all created by the same God? I doubt that due to the fact that even the Bible speaks of several Gods (God, God the Lord, the Lord). In other books we will meet many different Gods who were creating and Gods who were experimenting with MAN. Doing that they could have known that with experiments something could go wrong in the process, but even knowing that they still continued with their 'experiments' (Cain and others). So were born several types of MAN of which most died out during the Great Flood.

Conclusion so far :

The above mentioned Gods (ANU the Heavenly King, ENLIL the God of Air and ENKI the God of Water and Wisdom) were the leaders or Triad (Trinity) of the Gods by the Sumerians.

1. The Sumerian God Anu was the same as the Biblical God YA'EL or God the most high, the God who created the Angels, including Adam, Eve and Cain and several Demons, including Satan and Monsters. Anu was the God who was unfriendly and angry to Adam an Eve in the Garden of Eden; in other stories he is known as the God YA'EL or Eternal King and in the Bible during the lifetime of Abraham he is called 'God the most High', the God of Melchizedek. He was a short tempered God and unfriendly to Mankind

2. The Sumerian God Enlil, son of Anu, He was, like his father, a short tempered God and unfriendly to Mankind. He was the same as the Biblical God EL and the God ALLAH in the Quran, the God who tried to destroy all life on Earth with the Great Flood. (see later chapter 5 and 6).

3. The Sumerian God Enki, EA or YAH was the same as the Biblical God YAH, the scientist, physician and Creator of Man and Men. Enki was the God who recreated Adam and Eve. From his name was later derived YAHWEH, the God of the Hebrews and Jews although he was not the same (see later chapter 9). Enki 'loved' his creations as his own children and subdued ANU and ENLIL his fellow leader of the Gods several times to save his creations. He was the God who comforted Adam and Eve after they were expelled from the Garden of Eden and helped them surviving on Earth (see later in this chapter and in chapter 3). He saved Noah from the Great Flood with the Arc (see later chapter 5 and 6). By the Hebrews, Jews and Christians he is known as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. His sign, a serpent, is still used today by Physicians.

3. Generations of Heavens

Before we go further with the story of Adam and Eve we have to look back because during their stay in Paradise before the were sent to The Garden of Eden something happened in the Heavens.

The Generations of Heavens. Who were they and where did they came from. As mentioned above the Gods, and especially Anu created the Angels of Heaven and Earth including Adam and Satan. We met them already in more detail in The book of the Cave of Treasures above and we will read more of them in other books later in this and the next chapters but first we will read a story in which the Gods and Angels had struggles with each other about the dominion of Earth and MAN, and especially of 'The Fall of Satan'. Shortly after Adam was created 'The triad of Gods' placed Adam above the Angels and one of them, called Satan, became jealous and did not obey the Gods. Therefore something occurred in 'The Heavens' that would have a Great impact on the future of MAN and MEN.

The Revolt of Satan, and the Battle in Heaven.

In The Book of the Cave of Treasures we can read: And when the prince of the lower order of angels saw what Great majesty had been given unto Adam, he was jealous of him from that day, and he did not wish to worship him. And he said unto his hosts, 'Ye shall not worship him, and ye shall not praise him with the angels. It is meet that ye should worship me, because I am fire and spirit; and not that I should worship a thing of dust, which hath been fashioned of fine dust.' And the Rebel meditating these things would not render obedience to God, and of his own free will he asserted his independence and separated himself from God. But he was - swept away out of heaven and fell, and the fall of himself and of all his company from heaven took place on the 'S#39; because he turned aside [from the right way], and 'Sh#39; because he was cast out, and 'Daiw#39; because he lost the apparel of his glory. And behold, from that time until the present day, he and all his hosts have been stripped of their apparel, and they go naked and have horrible faces. And when Swas cast out from heaven, Adam was raised up so that he might ascend to Paradise in a chariot of fire And the angels went before him, singing praises, and the Seraphim ascribed holiness unto him, and the Cherubim ascribed blessing; and amid cries of joy and praises Adam went into Paradise. And as soon as Adam entered Paradise he was commanded not to 'eat' of a [certain] tree; his entrance into heaven took place at the third hour of the Eve of the Sabbath (i.e. on Friday morning).

As we can read here Satan was a prince and belonged to 'The Lower order of Angels' and was 'fire and spirit' He was jealous to Adam because Adam was of 'Higher' rank as Satan and Satan should worship Adam (a thing of dust). Because of that Satan became independent from God and separated himself from God. apparently he had the power to do so but God swept him and his companions out of heaven, to Earth, as we will see later. And Satan and his companions were stripped of their apparel and glory and were naked and had horrible faces after they were cast out of Heaven, this will all sound familiar when we read the sin-fall of Adam and Eve later.

What is the meaning of 'And Adam was raised up that he might ascent into Paradise in a Chariot of fire? There is only one possibility, Paradise was not on the Earth but somewhere above the Earth, maybe another planet in, or outside our Solar System or a Space station of the Gods above Earth. (we will see later that this is the truth) What was the 'Chariot of Fire', you can imagine yourself, but I will help you, even if you don't belief it, it was an ancient SPACESHIP and I will prove that in later chapters. The reason that Adam was raised up to 'Paradise' can only mean one thing he was temporary raised up to protect him from Satan and for the battle in Heaven. Satan was indeed cast out of Heaven and expelled to Earth because we can read later that he appeared to Adam and Eve in 'The Garden of Eden' after their return on Earth and many more times after that.

You should have drawn your own conclusion already that there is indeed a difference between 'MAN' (the offspring of 'The God of creation' and Eve and on the other hand the offspring of Adam and Eve, as we will see later called 'CHILDREN OF GOD' although the also belonged to MAN, and finally many ages later shortly after the Great Flood the creation called 'MEN'

When thinking over the story so far we can make the conclusion that Adam was an Angel himself because he was higher in rank then Satan and his hosts, who at first belonged to 'The Lower Angels'. Adam and Eve also belonged to the Angels and as so to the Generations of Heavens who were later forced to live on Earth. Finally we can make the conclusion now that the Biblical term "MAN" is used for the Angels who were "chosen" to live on Earth permanently. Due to their permanent stay on Earth they became immortal although they lived for a period of about 1,000 years.

4. The Garden of Eden

Why did God placed Adam in a special Garden?

In the beginning of this chapter we made the conclusion that Adam was placed in a Garden to protect him from other creatures? Was it to dangerous outside Eden or was there another reason that man should be inside a special Garden near God. Was there a kind of competition between the God's? YES, as we could see above by the story of the fall of Satan and we will see more of this story later.

Further we made the conclusion that there is a difference between 'Paradise' (Heaven) and 'The Garden of Eden' (Earth). In the Bible, and other books we could read that the Garden of Eden was situated on Earth, so there is indeed a difference between 'Paradise' and 'The Garden of Eden'. But to be sure let us have a closer look at the story about 'The Garden of Eden'. What was 'The Garden of Eden', and where was it situated.

The Bible tells us the following details: Gn:2:10: And a river went out of Eden to water the Garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. Gn:2:11: The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; Gn:2:12: And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone. Gn:2:13: And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia. Gn:2:14: And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.

Reading this verse carefully we can read that the Garden of Eden was NOT situated in modern Iraq as believed by most scholars because we can read 'The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold'.

The Land of Havilah

An important key to determine WHERE the river Pison ran is the phrase "the gold of that land is good." There is only one place in the area that has such a deposit -- the famous site of Mahd edh-Dhahab, the famous "Cradle of Gold." Located about 125 miles south of Medina in Saudi Arabia, huge fissures on the hillside are the remnants of ancient mining, the mine currently still produces more than 5 tons of gold a year. Another clue in Genesis 2:11-12 is the phrase "Bdellium and the onyx stone are there." The Arabian peninsula is RICH with bdellium and precious stones.

Further evidence that Havilah was a good portion of the Arabian peninsula is found in Genesis 25:18 and Exodus 15:22: "They dwelt from Havilah as far as SHUR, which is EAST OF EGYPT as you go toward Assyria," and "So Moses brought Israel from the Red Sea; then they went out into the WILDERNESS OF SHUR." In our articles Is Jebel Musa the Correct Mt. Sinai? and The Mountain of Moses, we show that the Israelites crossed the Gulf of Aqaba -- not the Gulf of Suez -- and that Mt. Sinai is located in the NW corner of modern-day Saudi Arabia (ancient Midian) -- not the Sinai peninsula. The text therefore shows that the nomadic Ishmaelites ranged from the land of Midian clear across northern Arabia and into Mesopotamia.

In 1 Samuel 15:7 is written: And Saul smote the Amalekites from Havilah until thou comest to Shur, that is over against Egypt, it would appear that the expression 'from Havilah' points to a portion...of the Arabian Peninsula as representing one limit of the territory in which the Amalekites were centered, while the Wilderness of Shur [on the western coast of NW Arabia]...represented the other limit....Thus it would appear that it [Havilah] embraced AT LEAST the NW portion of the Arabian Peninsula (see also the story of the real homeland of the Jews in chapter 7).

The river Pison

Boston University scientist Farouk El-Baz had long wondered about the pebbles of granite and basalt that are abundant throughout Kuwait. The problem was that these pebbles are not indigenous to the area. The nearest source for these rocks lies in the Hijaz Mountains, 650 miles to the west in Saudi Arabia! How did the pebbles reach Kuwait? Intrigued by this puzzle El-Baz examined photos of the region taken by satellites orbiting the earth, and to his amazement easily detected a dried riverbed (known today as Wadi Al-Batin) cutting through the limestone of north-central Saudi Arabia. He noticed that the riverbed petered out as it reached the sand dunes of central Saudi Arabia.

The Biblical Archaeology Review (July/August 1996) relates that "when he extended the line of the river across the sand dunes...El-Baz noticed that the patterns of the desert's sand dunes changed precisely when they crossed this line. To the right (southeast), the dunes appear pockmarked, to the left (northeast) they are striated. Sand patterns like these are created by the circulation of the air in the desert, which in turn is influenced by the topography. Thus, El-Baz realized that something beneath the sand was the source of the variations in the sand. He determined that the river ran underground here, along a fault line" (p. 55).

With the location of Havilah clearly delineated by the scriptural references and extra Biblical sources, there can be no doubt that the ancient river bed discovered by Farouk El-Baz from the satellite photographs is none other than that once used by the waters of the River Pison that flowed through the Garden of Eden to the Persian Gulf.

Earth-02click image to enlarge

When reading the above there is no doubt that The Garden of Eden was situated in the Arabia peninsula, south of present An-Nafud desert and north of present Rub-Al-Khali desert in the Saudi Arabia.

The river Gihon

Prove that the Garden of Eden was situated in the Arabia peninsula we can also find in Gn:2:13: where is spoken of the second river named Gihon 'And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia'. The attended reader has already noticed, when looking at the above map, that at present day the Red Sea separates Africa from the Arabia peninsula but scholars know that Arabia and Africa were one continent in ancient times (the Red Sea was formed in the second century BC probably during the eruption of the volcano Thera on Santorin in the Aegean Sea Greece in 1,627 BC.). The Red Sea was formed shortly before the Hebrews left Egypt about 1,491 BC (see later chapters).

In the Pseudepigrapha books we can read in much more detail as to where 'the Garden of Eden' was situated:

In The First Book of Adam and Eve we can read: Chapter I -The crystal sea, God commands Adam, expelled from Eden, to live in the Cave of Treasures. 1 On the third day, God planted the Garden in the east of the earth, on the border of the world eastward, beyond which, towards the sun-rising, one finds nothing but water, that encompasses the whole world, and reaches to the borders of heaven. 2 And to the north of the Garden there is a sea of water, clear and pure to the taste, unlike anything else; so that, through the clearness thereof, one may look into the depths of the earth.

When reading carefully we can see that 'The Garden of Eden' was planted on the third day and was not situated in Mesopotamia, as is accepted by the Jews and Christianity, because there is no Great sea to the east and to the north. The Garden of Eden was situated in the east of the world on the border of the word eastward. The only place we can find on the above map situated to the east is present Oman or the United Arabic Emirates, both bordering the Indian Ocean. When reading further at the north side of the Garden is mentioned as a 'sea of water' which must be present Persian Gulf. With other words, the Garden of Eden was situated south of present An-Nafud desert in Saudi Arabia, near the city of Riyadh.

The Cave of Treasures

We can read in The First Book of Adam and Eve, a more specific place where they lived after being expelled from 'the Garden of Eden' we can use this information to help us in our search for the location of 'The Garden of Eden'. We can read: Chapter I - 5 But when God made Adam go out of the Garden, He did not place him on the border of it northward. This was so that he and Eve would not be able to go near to the sea of water where they could wash themselves in it, be cleansed from their sins, erase the transgression they had committed, and be no longer reminded of it in the althought of their punishment. 6 As to the southern side of the Garden, God did not want Adam to live there either; because, when the wind blew from the north, it would bring him, on that southern side, the delicious smell of the trees of the Garden. 7 Wherefore God did not put Adam there. This was so that he would not be able to smell the sweet smell of those trees, forget his transgression, and find consolation for what he had done by taking delight in the smell of the trees and yet not be cleansed from his transgression. 8 Again, also, because God is merciful and of Great pity, and governs all things in a way that He alone knows -- He made our father Adam live in the western border of the Garden, because on that side the earth is very broad. 9 And God commanded him to live there in a cave in a rock -- the Cave of Treasures below the Garden.

The cave of Treasures was the place, commanded by God, where Adam and Eve had to live after they were expelled from the Garden of Eden. This cave of Treasures was used to save the seeds that Adam received from God and the Cherubim before they left The Garden of Eden, Adam received the seed of three plants from the Garden (see later) to use on the Earth, This cave was later also used for the burial of the 'Earth Fathers' from Adam until Jared; God made Adam and Eve live in the western border. The land where they lived was situated at the western border where the earth is broad but with a mountain near. (Rocks and caves). Most of the western parts of Saudi Arabia is plateau, the east is lowland (both broad areas). Further we can find mountains near on the central plateau, the Tuwaiq Mountains. The area where the Cave of Treasures was situated must be between present Medina and Mecca towards the Tuwaiq Mountains. (see also the story later in this chapter and the chapters here after).

The Trees in 'The Garden of Eden'

The meaning of two trees of the Garden is a little confusing because the Bible gives only a short description of them and these descriptions are opposite to each other.

We can read in The Bible as follows: Genesis 2:9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the Garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

The tree of life and the tree knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden what were they? Why were they planted there?.About the tree of life are several interpretations of which the most common is that it is an important symbol in nearly every culture. With its branches reaching into the sky, and roots deep in the earth, it dwells in three worlds a link between heaven, the earth, and the underworld, uniting above and below. The most important source is the 'Kabala'. More info about the Kabala you can find at The interactive Qabala (external site)

Earth-02click image to enlarge

Probably was the Tree of Life in my opinion a kind of library where the knowledge of the Gods was gathered. One thing is for sure, It was not eatable because we can read that God only spoke of The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil when he told Adam and Eve that they may not 'eat' of it.

In The Bible' we can read: Gn:2:16: And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the Garden thou mayest freely 'eat': Gn:2:17: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not 'eat' of it: for in the day that thou 'eat'est thereof thou shalt surely die.

There were more than one forbidden special tree in the Garden of Eden ? (As I mentioned already, in Gn:2:17 only one forbidden tree is spoken of).

1. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
2. The Tree of Life.

We see that Adam and Eve were only forbidden to 'eat' of 'The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil'. What kind of tree was it, what kind of fruits were on it that man should die when he eats from its fruits?. Why did God lie? because we can read that 'eat'ing the fruit was NOT deadly.

Let us continue to read in The Bible: Gn:3:7: And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.

A fruit that opens someone's eyes? And they knew that they were naked, see also the story of Satan above. A strange detail is that in Gn:2:17 is written that man will die, but in the following verse you can read just the opposite:

We can read in The Bible as follows: Gn:3:22: And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and 'eat', and live for ever:

Was God afraid that they might also ''eat'' of 'The Tree of Life', was that the reason God expelled them from 'The Garden of Eden'? Where was God afraid for when he said 'MAN BECOME AS ONE OF US'? Was it that this was happened before? YES, because Satan and his hosts did the same before Adam and Eve. (see the story of the Fall of Satan earlier in this chapter).

5. The story of the (first) sin-fall

'first'?, YES, see later chapter 3 to 8.

Satan and his hosts where on the Earth after they were cast out of Heaven as written earlier. Because of that Satan had the opportunity to seduce Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Christians and Jews believe that Satan did so, in the likeness of a Serpent, but is that the real story? NO! Satan was unable to come in into the Garden of Eden because it was heavy guarded by the Cherubim and God had taken precautions that nobody could enter the Garden.

But who was able and had the power to enter the Garden in spite of all precautions ? There is only one possibility, he was a God too, in the beginning of this chapter I noticed that there were several Gods who were equal in powers. I mentioned already that In the Sumerian literature we can find these Gods. EL (ENLIL) and ENKI (EA, YAH). Enlil and Enki were Gods of the same rank because they both belonged to the Sumerian 'Triad of Gods', the leaders of all Gods (see later chapter 8 and 9). Enlil was the God who guarded Adam and Eve by order of his father ANU and placed Adam there, as we know already 'IN FEAR AND SLAVERY'. On the other side stood Enki, The 'God of creation', who had other intensions creating a new 'race' for which he needed Adam and Eve as the progenitors of his new creation. Enki sought for a trick to make Adam and Eve more perfect with their own mind and will and Enki disguised himself in the form of a Serpent to persuade Adam and Eve to 'eat' of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and we know all that he succeeded. *

* Note: As mentioned above in Sumerian literature the God Enki was often represented with a serpent sign and streams of water flowing from his shoulders. Even at present time this sign is used for medical practices. Enki was the leader physician and scientist of the Gods.

In The Apocalypse of Adam we can find prove that the God of creation (Enki) was another God than the God they feared in slavery (Anu and Enlil), when we read the story Adam told to his son Seth: And I saw three men before me whose likeness I was unable to recognize, since they were not from the powers of the God who had created us. They surpassed glory, and men, saying to me , 'Arise, Adam, from the sleep of death and hear about the Aeon and the seed of that man to whom life has come, who came from you and from Eve, your wife' When I had heard these words from the Great men who were standing before me, then we sighed, I and Eve, in our hearts. And the Lord, the God who had created us, stood before us. He said to us , 'Adam, why were you both sighing in your hearts? Do you not know that I am the God who created you? And I breathed into you a spirit of life as a living soul' Then darkness came upon our eyes.

Adam told his son Seth that he was raised from the sleep of death by three men who NOT belonged to the powers of the God who created them. Adam here clearly mentions his 'own' children. But at once the God who created them stood before them and he was friendly to them. Prove that he was not the same God as the God of the Garden of Eden.

Adam and Eve expelled from The Garden of Eden

In The Bible we can read what happened after they were expelled from The Garden of Eden as follows: Gn:3:23: Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the Garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. Gn:3:24: So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the Garden of Eden Cherubim's, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

We can read here that the God of the Garden of Eden drove them out not because they had eaten from the Tree of Knowledge of good and Evil but He did so to prevent them they should use the Tree of Life. He decided that Adam and Eve should live one Earth and due to that they became mortal.

In The book of Jubilees we can read: Chapter 3: 32 And on the new moon of the fourth month, Adam and his wife went forth from the Garden of Eden, and they dwelt in the land of Elda in the land of their creation. 33 And Adam called the name of his wife Eve.

We read further in The book of Jubilees: Chapter 3: 27 And on that day on which Adam went forth from the Garden, he offered as a sweet savour an offering, frankincense, galbanum, and stacte, and spices in the morning with the rising of the sun from the day when he covered his shame. 28 And on that day was closed the mouth of all beasts, and of cattle, and of birds, and of whatever walks, and of whatever moves, so that they could no longer speak: for they had all spoken one with another with one lip and with one tongue. 29 And He sent out of the Garden of Eden all flesh that was in the Garden of Eden, and all flesh was scattered according to its kinds, and according to its types unto the places which had been created for them.

A strange story that all beast could speak in 'The Garden of Eden' but their mouth was closed by God and they were expelled out of 'The Garden of Eden' together with Adam and Eve, Why? What did the beasts do wrong except the Serpent? So all living creations where expelled because of the 'sins' of Adam and Eve. God must have been very angry when he made his decision to throw out not only Adam and Eve but also all beasts.

That's all the Bible and the book of Jubilees has to tell about the expelling from The Garden of Eden, but in other Pseudepigrapha books we can read of this event in more detail.

We read further in The Apocalypse of Moses: chapter 29: Thus spake the Lord and ordered us to be cast out of paradise. But your father Adam wept before the angels opposite paradise and the angels say to him: 'What wouldst thou have us to do, Adam? 'And your father saith to them, 'Behold, ye cast me out. I pray you, allow me to take away fragrant herbs from paradise, so that I may offer an offering to God after I have gone out of paradise that he hear me.' And the angels approached God and said: 'JA'EL, Eternal King, command, my Lord, that there be given to Adam incense of sweet odour from paradise and seeds for his food.' And God bade Adam go in and take sweet spices and fragrant herbs from paradise and seeds for his food. And the angels let him go and he took four kinds: crocus and nard and calamus and cinnamon and the other seeds for his food: and, after taking these, he went out of paradise. And we were on the earth.

So God drove them out of Eden and they lived outside Eden but not before He had given them some seed from paradise to feed them.

Here we see again several other names for God, namely 'JA'EL', 'Eternal King' and Lord, I have mentioned already that there were several Gods. The seeds that Adam and Eve got from God out of the Garden of Eden were saved for them in the Cave of Treasures. 'And we were on the Earth', there is only one possibility 'Paradise' or 'The Garden of Eden' was a 'space colony/ship' originally not from this Earth but as mentioned situated on the top of a mountain build by the Angels. Now we can imagine the God came from Paradise to the Garden of Eden with his 'Chariot'. Later we will see in the book of Enoch that he also went back to Paradise in a 'Space-ship'

6. Their first days on Earth

In The First Book of Adam and Eve we can read: Chapter 2 - Adam and Eve faint when they leave the Garden. God sends His Word to encourage them.

1 But when our father Adam, and Eve, went out of the Garden, they walked the ground on their feet, not knowing they were walking. 2 And when they came to the opening of the gate of the Garden, and saw the broad earth spread before them, covered with stones large and small, and with sand, they feared and trembled, and fell on their faces, from the fear that came over them; and they were as dead. 3 Because whereas until this time they had been in the Garden land, beautifully planted with all manner of trees -- they now saw themselves, in a strange land, which they knew not, and had never seen.

So, it seems to be that 'The Garden of Eden' was not as broad as the Earth but much smaller, is it possible that the Garden of Eden was a 'space colony' or a place on another planet? YES! It was as we will see later in the same story and in chapter 3.

They walked on the ground with their feet not knowing that they were walking ? So they never walked in the Garden of Eden? could they have been 'flying' ? They came into a strange land that they had never seen, so the Earth was much different then 'The Garden of Eden'.

I hope the reader can now understand why 'our' Church Fathers and the Jews did not accept the Pseudepigrapha books because these kind of stories did not fit with their religious althoughts regarding 'Monotheism' but they forgot one thing that the Bible as it is now still talks several times of 'GODS'.

But this is only the beginning of a dazzling story as we read further in The First Book of Adam and Eve: Chapter 4 - Adam mourns over the changed conditions. Adam and Eve enter the Cave of Treasures.

1 But Adam and Eve cried for having come out of the Garden, their first home. 2 And indeed, when Adam looked at his flesh, that was altered, he cried bitterly, he and Eve, over what they had done. And they walked and went gently down into the Cave of Treasures. 3 And as they came to it, Adam cried over himself and said to Eve, 'Look at this cave that is to be our prison in this world, and a place of punishment! 4 What is it compared with the Garden? What is its narrowness compared with the space of the other? 5 What is this rock, by the side of those groves? What is the gloom of this cavern, compared with the light of the Garden? 6 What is this overhanging ledge of rock to shelter us, compared with the mercy of the Lord that overshadowed us? 7 What is the soil of this cave compared with the Garden land? This earth, strewed with stones; and that, planted with delicious fruit trees?' 8 And Adam said to Eve, 'Look at your eyes, and at mine, which before beheld angels praising in heaven; and they too, without ceasing. 9 But now we do not see as we did; our eyes have become of flesh; they cannot see like they used to see before.' 10 Adam said again to Eve, 'What is our body today, compared to what it was in former days, when we lived in the Garden?'

So both bodies of Adam and Eve altered after they left the Garden of Eden, and they walked gently (they learned walking) for the first time and went down to the cave, Was the cave under the Garden of Eden or near the top of a mountain ? The conditions on Earth were different from the conditions in 'The Garden of Eden' so their flesh had to bee altered due to the atmosphere of 'our' Earth.

Just as it would be impossible for us to live on another planet ourselves without a space suit., so it was that Adam and Eve had to be altered to live on Earth unprotected, With this in mind the story is not as strange as it first sounds.

We go back to The First Book of Adam and Eve: Chapter 5 - Eve makes a noble and emotional intercession, taking the blame on herself.

1 Then Adam and Eve entered the cave, and stood praying, in their own tongue, unknown to us, but which they knew well. 2 And as they prayed, Adam raised his eyes and saw the rock and the roof of the cave that covered him overhead. This prevented him from seeing either heaven or God's creatures.

So their way of speaking was different from ours, is it possible that they 'spoke' with their minds.? (Telepathy), is it possible that Religious people still 'try' to do the same when the are praying, without speaking, they still do like Adam and Eve usually did before they were expelled from 'The Garden of Eden' but nobody can hear them?

We go back to The First Book of Adam and Eve: Chapter 8 - The 'Bright Nature' of man is taken away.

1 Then Adam cried and said, 'O God, when we lived in the Garden, and our hearts were lifted up, we saw the angels that sang praises in heaven, but now we can't see like we used to; no, when we entered the cave, all creation became hidden from us.' 2 Then God the Lord said to Adam, 'When you were under subjection to Me, you had a bright nature within you, and for that reason could you see things far away. But after your transgression your bright nature was withdrawn from you; and it was not left to you to see things far away, but only near at hand; after the ability of the flesh; for it is brutish.' 3 When Adam and Eve had heard these words from God, they went their way; praising and worshipping Him with a sorrowful heart. 4 And God ceased to commune with them.

So, now Adam and Eve can't see things far away as they could before, Why ? Is it possible that this chapter is talking about a kind of telepathic vision that they used before or the instruments (monitors) of the 'space colony' 'The Garden of Eden'? What is the meaning of 'And God ceased to commune with them'? Maybe God ended the conversation due to 'hanging up the phone, or another communicator'?

We read further in The First Book of Adam and Eve: Chapter 9 - Water from the Tree of Life. Adam and Eve near drowning.

1 Then Adam and Eve came out of the Cave of Treasures, and went near to the Garden gate, and there they stood to look at it, and cried for having come away from it. 2 And Adam and Eve went from before the gate of the Garden to the southern side of it, and found there the water that watered the Garden, from the root of the Tree of Life, and that split itself from there into four rivers over the earth. 3 Then they came and went near to that water, and looked at it; and saw that it was the water that came forth from under the root of the Tree of Life in the Garden.

So, they found the water that watered the south site of the Garden from the tree of life and that split itself into four rivers over the earth, so water from the tree of life went down as a waterfall, and watered the Earth.

Earlier in this chapter I explained the meaning of 'The Tree of Life', and now it was used to cultivate the Earth and to make it useful for the Gods and for Adam and Eve, is it possible that Adam and Eve were chosen by the Gods to further cultivate the Earth to make it ready for the 'invaders' to come themselves to Earth?, that would explain the change of 'flesh' of Adam and Eve.

Imagine what we would have to do in the 21st century to 'cultivate' for instance the planet Mars to make it ready for our life conditions. Water would be the first element we would try to produce or find on Mars because it is the base for all life forms as we know it. We would do exactly the same thing, First we would send pioneers to Mars to make it ready before we would go there to live as we were accustomed to on our 'home planet' Earth. Due to the not so friendly atmosphere of Mars in the beginning the pioneers also go through a change that shortens their 'normal' lifetime.

We read further in The First Book of Adam and Eve: Chapter 9 -4 And Adam cried and wailed, and beat his chest, for being severed from the Garden; and said to Eve: -- 5 'Why have you brought on me, on yourself, and on our descendants, so many of these plagues and punishments?' 6 And Eve said to him, 'What is it you have seen that has caused you to cry and to speak to me in this manner?' 7 And he said to Eve, 'Do you not see this water that was with us in the Garden, that watered the trees of the Garden, and flowed out from there? 8 And we, when we were in the Garden, did not care about it; but since we came to this strange land, we love it, and turn it to use for our body.' 9 But when Eve heard these words from him, she cried; and from the soreness of their crying, they fell into that water; and would have put an end to themselves in it, so as never again to return and behold the creation; for when they looked at the work of creation, they felt they must put an end to themselves.

So Adam was angry with Eve about their getting kicked out of the Garden, and Eve was sad and angry also. Adam and Eve did not drink nor 'eat' before they were expelled out of the Garden and now they went thirsty, and, as we will see later, they were hungry too.

We read further in The First Book of Adam and Eve: Chapter 10 - Their bodies need water after they leave the Garden.

1 Then God, merciful and gracious, looked at them thus lying in the water, and close to death, and sent an angel, who brought them out of the water, and laid them on the seashore as dead. 2 Then the angel went up to God, was welcome, and said, 'O God, Your creatures have breathed their last.' 3 Then God sent His Word to Adam and Eve, who raised them from their death. 4 And Adam said, after he was raised, 'O God, while we were in the Garden we did not require, or care for this water; but since we came to this land we cannot do without it.' 5 Then God said to Adam, 'While you were under My command and were a bright angel, you knew not this water. 6 But now that you have transgressed My commandment, you can not do without water, wherein to wash your body and make it grow; for it is now like that of beasts, and is in want of water.' 7 When Adam and Eve heard these words from God, they cried a bitter cry; and Adam entreated God to let him return into the Garden, and look at it a second time. 8 But God said to Adam, 'I have made you a promise; when that promise is fulfilled, I will bring you back into the Garden, you and your righteous descendants.' 9 And God ceased to commune with Adam.

So, Adam and Eve were 'Bright Angels' before they were expelled from the Garden of Eden, now we know what 'race' they belong to, namely 'THE FALLEN ANGELS'.

As I already mentioned in the beginning of this chapter they died in their 'first life' and became another creation in their 'second life'. A strange detail is that in 'The first book of Adam and Eve' is often spoken of their death but they were raised again and again by God. And their body became like that of beasts, this is what I mentioned in the beginning of this chapter. They became another 'creature' as said by 'The Tree Men', creatures of flesh and blood.

Image also that here is spoken of the waters that game forth from under the Tree of Live. Is it possible that the Gods started the cultivation of the Earth and made our Earth 'ready' for living creatures, and that Adam and Eve were the first 'Children of the Gods' who were chosen to cultivate the broad Earth. The life conditions on the Earth were still bad at that time because the bodies of Adam and Eve were altered dramatically when they went out of 'The Garden of Eden' and they were doomed drinking water and 'eating food.

We read further in The First Book of Adam and Eve: Chapter 11 - A recollection of the glorious days in the Garden.

1 Then Adam and Eve felt themselves burning with thirst, and heat, and sorrow. 2 And Adam said to Eve, 'We shall not drink of this water, even if we were to die. O Eve, when this water comes into our inner parts, it will increase our punishments and that of our descendants.' 3 Both Adam and Eve then went away from the water, and drank none of it at all; but came and entered the Cave of Treasures. 4 But when in it Adam could not see Eve; he only heard the noise she made. Neither could she see Adam, but heard the noise he made. 5 Then Adam cried, in deep affliction, and beat his chest; and he got up and said to Eve, 'Where are you?' 6 And she said to him, 'Look, I am standing in this darkness.' 7 He then said to her, 'Remember the bright nature in which we lived, when we lived in the Garden! 8 O Eve! Remember the glory that rested on us in the Garden. O Eve! Remember the trees that overshadowed us in the Garden while we moved among them. 9 O Eve! Remember that while we were in the Garden, we knew neither night nor day. Think of the Tree of Life, from below which flowed the water, and that shed lustre over us! Remember, O Eve, the Garden land, and the brightness thereof! 10 Think, oh think of that Garden in which was no darkness, while we lived in it. 11 Whereas no sooner did we come into this Cave of Treasures than darkness surrounded us all around; until we can no longer see each other; and all the pleasure of this life has come to an end.'

It is obvious that darkness was a strange phenomena for Adam and Eve because they had never seen darkness in The Garden of Eden, so in my opinion The Garden of Eden was built on the top of a mountain with 'electric light' and all other needs to survive on Earth, we will see that this is true in chapter 3.

Keep also in mind what is written in the Bible Gn:1:2: And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

We read further in The First Book of Adam and Eve: Chapter 12 - How darkness came between Adam and Eve.

1 Then Adam b'eat' his chest, he and Eve, and they mourned the whole night until the crack of dawn, and they sighed over the length of the night in Miyazia. 2 And Adam beat himself, and threw himself on the ground in the cave, from bitter grief, and because of the darkness, and lay there as dead. 3 But Eve heard the noise he made in falling on the ground. And she felt about for him with her hands, and found him like a corpse. 4 Then she was afraid, speechless, and remained by him. 5 But the merciful Lord looked on the death of Adam, and on Eve's silence from fear of the darkness. 6 And the Word of God came to Adam and raised him from his death, and opened Eve's mouth that she might speak. 7 Then Adam stood up in the cave and said, 'O God, why has light departed from us, and darkness covered us? Why did you leave us in this long darkness? Why do you plague us like this? 8 And this darkness, O Lord, where was it before it covered us? It is because of this that we cannot see each other. 9 For so long as we were in the Garden, we neither saw nor even knew what darkness is. I was not hidden from Eve, neither was she hidden from me, until now that she cannot see me; and no darkness came over us to separate us from each other. 10 But she and I were both in one bright light. I saw her and she saw me. Yet now since we came into this cave, darkness has covered us, and separated us from each other, so that I do not see her, and she does not see me. 11 O Lord, will You then plague us with this darkness?'

As we know already Adam and Eve were on the Earth, But they sighed over the length of the night in Miyazia, is that another name for the Earth? Yes! and we will see that in later chapters. Adam and Eve saw night and darkness for the first time, so in the Garden of Eden there was always 'electric' daylight. With the clause 'But the merciful Lord looked on the death of Adam' we read again de difference between the Lord, the merciful and God. The difference between Enki and Enlil.

We read further in The First Book of Adam and Eve: Chapter 13 - The fall of Adam. Why night and day were created.

1 Then when God, who is merciful and full of pity, heard Adam's voice, He said to him: -- 2 'O Adam, so long as the good angel was obedient to Me, a bright light rested on him and on his hosts. 3 But when he transgressed My commandment, I deprived him of that bright nature, and he became dark. 4 And when he was in the heavens, in the realms of light, he knew nothing of darkness. 5 But he transgressed, and I made him fall from the heaven onto the earth; and it was this darkness that came over him. 6 And on you, O Adam, while in My Garden and obedient to Me, did that bright light rest also. 7 But when I heard of your transgression, I deprived you of that bright light. Yet, of My mercy, I did not turn you into darkness, but I made you your body of flesh, over which I spread this skin, in order that it may bear cold and heat.

God named Satan 'the good Angel' as long as he was obedient to God but he wasn't and became dark, was Adam also one of the 'fallen Angels', like the (Satan) ?, Yes he was as I have already inferred. And again God spoke about a body of flesh and a skin to bear cold and heat. So before Adam had no body of flesh and a skin.

'And when he was in the heavens', here is prove again that Adam and Eve were both 'Fallen Angels' and had lived before on another planet and came to Earth in a space-ship called 'PARADISE', here are in my opinion two possibilities:

1. They were send to Earth in a 'spaceship' and came to 'The Garden of Eden', a transporter from Paradise, which was much smaller then 'the broad Earth.'

2. The Garden of Eden was a 'space colony' built on the Earth by the Gods to cultivate and colonize the Earth, due to its atmosphere and other conditions the Earth was useful to change its life conditions to nearly the same as the atmosphere of their 'home planet'.

As said 'The Garden of Eden' was a 'Space colony' of the Gods on Earth, situated on a mountain. As mentioned above most likely the Tuwaiq Mountains in Saudi Arabia. And Adam and Eve received another type of skin from God (later called The Garments of Skin), a skin that could bear cold and heat to be able to survive on Earth.

We read further in The First Book of Adam and Eve: Chapter 13 - 8 If I had let My wrath fall heavily on you, I should have destroyed you; and had I turned you into darkness, it would have been as if I had killed you. 9 But in My mercy, I have made you as you are; when you transgressed My commandment, O Adam, I drove you from the Garden, and made you come forth into this land; and commanded you to live in this cave; and darkness covered you, as it did over him who transgressed My commandment. 10 Thus, O Adam, has this night deceived you. It is not to last forever; but is only of twelve hours; when it is over, daylight will return. 11 Sigh not, therefore, neither be moved; and say not in your heart that this darkness is long and drags on wearily; and say not in your heart that I plague you with it. 12 Strengthen your heart, and be not afraid. This darkness is not a punishment. But, O Adam, I have made the day, and have placed the sun in it to give light; in order that you and your children should do your work.

And God explained to Adam how the cycle of day and night on Earth taken place, namely 12 hours for daylight and 12 hours for darkness, and God made the day with sun light to do their daily 'work'.

Chapter 13 - 13 For I knew you would sin and transgress, and come out into this land. Yet I wouldn't force you, nor be heard over you, nor shut up; nor doom you through your fall; nor through your coming out from light into darkness; nor yet through your coming from the Garden into this land. 14 For I made you of the light; and I willed to bring out children of light from you and like to you. 15 But you did not keep My commandment one day; until I had finished the creation and blessed everything in it. 16 Then, concerning the tree, I commanded you not to 'eat' of it. Yet I knew that Satan, who deceived himself, would also deceive you. 17 So I made known to you by means of the tree, not to come near him. And I told you not to 'eat' of the fruit thereof, nor to taste of it, nor yet to sit under it, nor to yield to it. 18 Had I not been and spoken to you, O Adam, concerning the tree, and had I left you without a commandment, and you had sinned -- it would have been an offence on My part, for not having given you any order; you would turn around and blame Me for it. 19 But I commanded you, and warned you, and you fell. So that My creatures cannot blame Me; but the blame rests on them alone. 20 And, O Adam, I have made the day so that you and your descendants can work and toil in it. And I have made the night for them to rest in it from their work; and for the beasts of the field to go forth by night and look for their food. 21 But little of darkness now remains, O Adam, and daylight will soon appear.'

Did God know that Adam and Eve would sin against him? Was it planned? YES! As I have already mentioned in the beginning of this chapter. Here is prove again that the Earth was not ready for the Gods to come down to Earth because God told Adam that his creation was not finished when Adam sinned. Further we can read clearly what the Gods had planned for Adam and his children, they would do the work and toil for the Gods on Earth at day and that they would rest from their work by night. Further is clear that God talk to Adam as a father to his child, with pity but he deserved to be punished although it looks that God regretted the punishment. In chapter 8 and 9 about Sumer and Babylonia we will read the same story again, there the Gods were called the Anunnaki, the Gods of Heaven and Earth who came down to dig 'canals' and mine gold for the Heavenly Gods.

Also keep in mind what is written in The Bible: Gn:1:3: And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. Gn:1:4: And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. Gn:1:5: And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

God explained Adam de difference between day and night and that the Sun would return every 24 hours, God explained there would be hours of light and hours of darkness (a day) God then explained why and on the first morning Adam and Eve saw it with their 'own' eyes.

We read further in The First Book of Adam and Eve: Chapter 16 - The first sunrise. Adam and Eve think it is a fire coming to burn them.

1 After this, Adam and Eve continued to stand in the cave, praying and crying, until the morning dawned on them. 2 And when they saw the light returned to them, they retrained from fear, and strengthened their hearts. 3 Then Adam began to come out of the cave. And when he came to the mouth of it, and stood and turned his face towards the east, and saw the sunrise in glowing rays, and felt the heat thereof on his body, he was afraid of it, and thought in his heart that this flame came forth to plague him. 4 He then cried and beat his chest, then he fell on the ground on his face and made his request, saying: -- 5 'O Lord, plague me not, neither consume me, nor yet take away my life from the earth.' 6 For he thought the sun was God. 7 Because while he was in the Garden and heard the voice of God and the sound He made in the Garden, and feared Him, Adam never saw the brilliant light of the sun, neither did its flaming heat touch his body. 8 Therefore he was afraid of the sun when flaming rays of it reached him. He thought God meant to plague him therewith all the days He had decreed for him. 9 For Adam also said in his thoughts, as God did not plague us with darkness, behold, He has caused this sun to rise and to plague us with burning heat. 10 But while he was thinking like this in his heart, the Word of God came to him and said: -- 11 'O Adam, get up on your feet. This sun is not God; but it has been created to give light by day, of which I spoke to you in the cave saying, 'that the dawn would come, and there would be light by day.' 12 But I am God who comforted you in the night.' 13 And God ceased to commune with Adam.

And Adam saw the Sun for the first time and was afraid of the bright light of it, so the darkness ended on the Earth and the clouds vanished in the sky and brought the first daylight on Earth, the first step in the cultivation of the Earth was ready. 'And God ceased to commune with them', as I have already mentioned this saying is often used in 'The first book of Adam an Eve'.

The above story is opposite of that from the Bible because there is written that Adam was created on the sixth day, but the Sun, Moon and Stars were created on the first day

We read in The Bible: Gn:1:3: And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. Gn:1:4: And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. Gn:1:5: And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

When Adam was created on the sixth day he could not see the first Sunrise so he was created before the first 'Earth' day and was placed on Earth later, in The Apocalypse of Adam we can read that Adam came from the first Aeon *, his first life as an Angel, and that he came into the second Aeon, his life as a 'fallen Angel' on Earth, due to his sins.

* An Aeon is a period of 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) years but in Gnostic literature it is mentioned as 'before the beginning'

It would take to long to read the whole first book of Adam and Eve, the Apocalypse of Adam and other Pseudepigrapha books together but you can read them yourself and I leave you with your own interpretations as to what is written there, all these books are published on this website in the section Pseudepigrapha.

The difference between 'Paradise' and 'The Garden of Eden'.

As far as we could read in the above verses in different books, there is indeed a difference between 'Paradise' and 'The Garden of Eden' and on the other side 'The Cave of Treasures' and 'the Earth' itself.

For more prove of the difference between 'The Garden of Eden' and 'Paradise' we can also read in The First Book of Adam and Eve: Chapter 33 1 Then the devil approached and stood before the oxen, and hindered Adam in tilling the field and said to Adam: 'Mine are the things of earth, the things of Heaven are God's; 2 but if thou wilt be mine, thou shalt labor on the earth; but if thou wilt be God's, go away to paradise. 3 ' Adam said: 'The things of Heaven are the Lord's, and the things of Earth and Paradise and the whole Universe.' Chapter 34 1 The devil said: 'I do not suffer thee to till the field, except thou write the bond that thou art mine.' Adam replied: 'Whosoever is lord of the earth, to the same do I (belong) and my children. 2 ' Then the devil was overcome with joy. (But Adam was not ignorant that the Lord would descend on earth and tread the devil under foot.) 3 The devil said: 'Write me thy bond.' And Adam wrote: 'Who is lord of the earth, to the same do I belong and my children.'

So, The Devil (Satan) said 'mine are the things of the Earth', so he was already on Earth when Adam and Eve were expelled from 'The Garden of Eden' Satan told Adam to go back to 'Paradise' when he would not labor for Satan on the Earth. Further we can read clearly that there is indeed a difference between the Garden of Eden (Space-colony) and Paradise (a Space-ship in an orbit around the Earth or another planet).

I will prove in another chapter that 'The Garden of Eden' was a 'space colony' who came from another planet in a space-ship named 'PARADISE' in the third heaven, so 'The Garden of Eden' was only a 'transport space colony' to transport the creations of 'The Gods' to the Earth, and all creatures that were on board of this 'space colony', most of which were Evil and wrong creations of several Gods and were doomed to live on Earth. They were all expelled from 'Their home planet and shuttled to Earth in the space-ship PARADISE', in the third heaven. (think also about other meaning of the word 'paradise', also meaning 'heaven'). Consider that the British did the same with their criminals by sending them to Australia in the 18th and 19th century.

Imagine that some Astronauts from Earth had the opportunity to go to another planet in or outside our solar system to colonize it, when they arrived they put off their Helmet and come to the conclusion that the atmosphere of that planet is similar but not exactly the same as the atmosphere of their home planet Earth, in such a case they would know that it would not be possible to survive without their Helmets on. They would either have to change the conditions or the way of life that they were accustomed to on their own planet. Maybe now that the above story is not as strange as it looked at first.

This is the story so far of Adam and Eve shortly after they were expelled from the Garden of Eden. Further we will see later that Satan (The Devil) often came to them.

Conclusion so far:

1. Adam and Eve were 'Fallen Angels'
2. Moses was not the writer of 'The Pentateuch' but 'the Angels of God'
3. Adam and Eve came from another planet in a space-ship named 'PARADISE' in the third heaven.
4. The 'Garden of Eden' was a space-colony situated on top of a mountain and often wrongly called Paradise (see later in chapter 3)
5. The 'Cave of Treasures' was situated on Earth in a mountain and was used as a kind of supply room with 'instruments' needed to cultivate the Earth.
5. The 'Earth' was a void planet that could be cultivated and was colonized by intelligences from elsewhere in the Universe (The Gods, Angels etc.)

7. Adam and Eve tell the whole story to their children.

The Bible has nothing written about the following stories, then only the Generations of Adam and Eve and their children ABEL and SETH. But in The Apocalypse of Moses we can read more details about the life and death of Adam and Eve.

chapter 5: And Adam begat thirty sons and thirty daughters and Adam lived nine hundred and thirty years; and he fell sick and cried with a loud voice and said, 'Let all my sons come to me that I may see them before I die.' And all assembled, for the earth was divided into three parts. And Seth his son said to him: 'Father Adam, what is thy complaint?' And he saith, 'MY children, I am crushed by the burden of trouble.' And they say to him, 'What is trouble?'

The earth was divided in three parts?, the continents (Eurasia, America and Africa) or the meaning of three parts: 1. The Earth itself. 2. The Cave of Treasures, under 'The Garden of Eden'. 3. 'The Garden of Eden' itself

Reading the above verse carefully we can drawn the conclusion that their children were divided in three parts? YES!; the three parts of the Earth were:

1. The 'homeland' of Adam and his son Seth and their children, also called 'The Sons of God', 'The Children of God', also Fallen Angels (MAN), the Good Giants

2. The 'homeland' of Cain and his children (MAN) and Satan and his companions with their offspring, the Evil Giants. In later chapters we will see that most of them were later worshipped as Gods and their offspring (creations) the Demigods and Demons. In many of the Scrolls, Tablets, Myths, Legends and Sages is often spoken of the most strange creatures who lived in earliest days like Half Human-Beasts creatures, Giants, Cyclops and Demons, many with enormous strength and powers.

3. The 'homeland' of the Gods and Angels, a forbidden zone for MAN.

Let's go back to the story in The Apocalypse of Moses were we can read more details about the life and dead of Adam and Eve

chapter 6: And Seth answered and said to him: 'Hast thou called to mind, father, the fruit of paradise of which thou usedst to 'eat', and hast been grieved in yearning for it?' 'If this be so, tell me, (and) I will go and bring thee fruit from paradise. For I will set dung upon my head and will weep and pray that the Lord will hearken to me and send his angel (and bring me a plant from paradise), and I will bring it thee that thy trouble may cease from thee.' Adam saith to him: 'Nay, my son Seth, but I have (much) sickness and trouble!' Seth saith to him: 'And how hath this come upon thee?'

Seth was trying to give his father Adam a 'new' live by asking God to give him fruit from 'Paradise', but Adam said 'no my son' because he knew that God would refuse this request. As mentioned the name 'paradise' has another meaning, namely 'heaven', so isn't it strange that this word is explained in several ways, like 'paradise', 'Garden of Eden' or 'heaven'.

Note: The space colony 'The Garden of Eden' and the space-ship 'Paradise' were still on earth at that time (930 years after creation) when Adam died, You'll see later in chapter 3 that it was really a 'space colony' complete with a 'launching platform' and a space-ship.

And Adam told his children and grandchildren the story of 'Paradise' as follows :

In The Apocalypse of Moses we can read: chapter 7: And Adam said to him: 'When God made us, me and your mother, through whom also I die, He gave us power to 'eat' of every tree which is in paradise, but, concerning that one only, He charged us not to 'eat' of it, and through this one we are to die. And the hour drew nigh for the angels who were guarding your mother to go up and worship the Lord, and I was far from her, and the enemy knew that she was alone and gave to her, and she ate of the tree of which she had been told not to 'eat'. Then she gave also to me to 'eat'.

Adam was still wrath toward his wife Eve for giving him fruit of the forbidden Tree. And during the time the Angels, who guarded Eve, drew nigh to go UP and they returned to 'Paradise', Was Adam with them for a while, in the time that Eve was alone?, Could he still travel with the Angels?. Why did the Angels guard Eve? Was it to protect her for Satana?.

chapter 8: 'And God was wroth with us, and the Lord came into paradise and called me in a terrible voice and said: 'Adam, where art thou? And why hidest thou from my face? Shall the house be able to hide itself from its builder?' And he saith to me: 'Since thou hast abandoned my covenant, I have brought upon thy body seventy-two strokes; the trouble of the first stroke is a pain of the eyes, the second stroke an affection of the hearing, and likewise in turn all the strokes shall befall thee.''

And again the change of their bodies is mentioned.

chapter 9: As he said this to his sons, Adam groaned sore and said: 'What shall I do? I am in Great distress. 'And Eve wept and said: 'My lord Adam, rise up and give me half of thy trouble and I will endure it; for it is on my account that this hath happened to thee, on my account thou art beset with toils and troubles.' But Adam said to Eve, 'Arise and go with my son Seth near to paradise, and put earth upon your heads and weep and pray God to have mercy upon me and send his angel to paradise, and give me of the tree out of which the oil floweth, and bring it me, and I shall anoint myself and shall have rest from my complaint.'

Adam knew that he should die but he had one wish only, namely the oil of mercy a 'medicine' to rest from his illness.

chapter 10: Then Seth and Eve went towards paradise, and Eve saw her son, and a wild beast assailing him, and Eve wept and said: 'Woe is me; if I come to the day of the Resurrection, all those who have sinned will curse me saying: Eve hath not kept the commandment of God.' And she spake to the beast: 'Thou wicked beast, fearest thou not to fight with the image of God? How was thy mouth opened? How were thy teeth made strong? How didst thou not call to mind thy subjection? For long ago wast thou made subject to the image of God.' Then the beast cried out and said:

Eve and Seth were in the position to go towards Paradise (the Garden of Eden) but they could not go in due to the Cherubim's that guarded it.

chapter 11: 'It is not our concern, Eve, thy greed and thy wailing, but thine own; for (it is) from thee that the rule of the beasts hath arisen. How was thy mouth opened to 'eat' of the tree concerning which God enjoined thee not to 'eat' of it? On this account, our nature also hath been transformed. Now therefore thou canst not endure it, if I begin to reproof thee.'

Even the wild beast were angry with Eve because of here sins and the beasts blamed her for what they had become, for their changed nature. We now find even more prove that there was more then one creation on the Earth, One strange detail is that even after all creations were expelled from The Garden of Eden they still could talk to Eve and Seth (I mentioned already that God closed their mouth so they could not speak anymore, but 923 years after they were expelled they could still talk?).

We read further in The Apocalypse of Moses: chapter 13: And Seth went with Eve near paradise, and they wept there, and prayed God to send his angel and give them the oil of mercy. chapter 15: Then saith Eve to them: 'Hear all my children and children's children and I will relate to you how the enemy deceived us. It befell that we were guarding paradise, each of us the portion allotted to us from God. Now I guarded in my lot, the west and the south. But the devil went to Adam's lot, where the male creatures were. (For God divided the creatures; all the males he gave to your father and all the females he gave to me).

We can read here that there were indeed more male and female creatures in the Garden of Eden. Prove that Adam and Eve were not the only creatures in The Garden of Eden. A strange detail is that this verse is opposite to the next verses as far as it concerns that the Devil went to Adam's lot but in the next verses he should persuade Eve in her lot to 'eat' from the plant if good and evil. The reason why God divided the male and female creatures will soon be clear (God, read Anu and Enlil, prevented the male and female creatures to mingle with each other and get children). We will see soon that Enki, the scientist of the Gods disagreed with his fellow leader Gods and he planned a trick to mislead Anu and Enlil.

The Enki, Satan (Devil) doctrine.

In the coming story we will find a contradiction with the original story and the rewritten story of the sin fall as regarding to Monotheism. It is obvious that the author who rewrote this story was convinced of the existence of only one God and he made the conclusion that the events that took place hereafter were to blame to an evil creature and he made the conclusion that the Devil (Satan) was the one who persuaded Eve to disobey the Gods and not as originally was intended by one of the leader Gods by us known as Enki.

We read further in The Apocalypse of Moses: chapter 16: And the devil spake to the serpent saying, Rise up, come to me and I will tell thee a word whereby thou mayst have profit.' And he arose and came to him. And the devil saith to him: 'I hear that thou art wiser than all the beasts, and I have come to counsel thee. Why dost thou 'eat' of Adam's tares and not of paradise? Rise up and we will cause him to be cast out of paradise, even as we were cast out through him.' The serpent saith to him, 'I fear lest the Lord be wrath with me.' The devil saith to him: 'Fear not, only be my vessel and I will speak through thy mouth words to deceive him.'

In this verse the Devil (Satan) was wrath to Adam because through him the Devil was cast out of Paradise, a little strange clause because we know already that the Devil once lived in 'Paradise' (see the battle in Heaven in the beginning of this chapter where we could read that Satan was permanently cast out of Paradise by the Gods). Therefore he could not enter the Garden of Eden anymore. Nevertheless the rewriter tells us in the next verses that the Devil still had the opportunity to come in into the Garden of Eden although it was guarded by the Cherubim's. The above verse is also in contradiction with the story in The first book of Adam and Eve, chapter 13, where God told Adam that Satan was cast out of the Garden of Eden forever and became horrible to look at and a Demon forever. Because of this it was impossible for Satan to come in into the Garden of Eden again; So he could not communicate with Eve who was still in the Garden of Eden.

We read further in The Apocalypse of Moses: chapter 17: And instantly he hung himself from the wall of paradise, and when the angels ascended to worship God, then Satan appeared in the form of an angel and sang hymns like the angels. And I bent over the wall and saw him, like an angel. But he saith to me: 'Art thou Eve?' And I said to him, 'I am.' 'What art thou doing in paradise?' And I said to him, 'God set us to guard and to 'eat' of it.' The devil answered through the mouth of the serpent: 'Ye do well but ye do not 'eat' of every plant.' And I said: 'Yea, we 'eat' of all. save one only, which is in the midst of paradise, concerning which, God charged us not to 'eat' of it: for, He said to us, on the day on which ye 'eat' of it, ye shall die the death.'

We can read here that Paradise (The Garden of Eden) was surrounded by a wall, it is most likely because of the dangers on planet Earth that the builders of the colony ( most likely the Angels) made strongholds to defend the Garden of Eden against intruders from outside. A strange part at the beginning of this verse is that the Devil hanged himself from the wall of Paradise in the form of a serpent but even that he was able to look like an Angel?

The conclusion must be clear, someone else was talking to Eve and NOT Satan. The serpent was used as an intermediar between two beings, in this case Enki and Eve. I mentioned already that not Satan but the God Enki spoke to Eve in the form of a serpent to persuade her to 'eat' of the plant (the tree of good and evil) because Enki's intension was to evaluate Adam and Eve to self thinking and supporting beings. Keep also in mind that Enki knew that Adam and Eve feared Anu and Enlil of which the were no more than slaves in the Garden. Enki was the scientist of the triad of Gods and had the intension to create a suitable MAN to live on earth as a self supporting being (Adam and Eve were at that time still unable to get children). We will see later in chapter 6 that Enki once more tricked Enlil to protect his creations, when the Gods decided to destroy ALL living creatures with a Great Flood, by telling Noah to build an Arc to survive the flood.

We read further in The Apocalypse of Moses: chapter 18: Then the serpent saith to me, 'May God live! but I am grieved on your account, for I would not have you ignorant. But arise, (come) hither, hearken to me and 'eat' and mind the value of that tree.' But I said to him, ' I fear lest God be wroth with me as he told us.' And he saith to me: 'Fear not, for as soon as thou eatest of it, ye too shall be as God, in that ye shall know good and evil. But God perceived this that ye would be like Him, so he envied you and said, Ye shall not 'eat' of it. Nay, do thou give heed to the plant and thou wilt see its Great glory.' Yet I feared to take of the fruit. And he saith to me: 'Come hither, and I will give it thee. Follow me.'

The reader should have noticed already that Eve could not recognize either the Devil nor Enki was talking to her because the appeared to her in the form of a serpent. In the above verse we can find prove that Enki was grieved to Anu and Enlil that Adam and Eve were kept innocent and he persuaded Eve, for their own benefit, to 'eat' of the forbidden plant.

We read further in The Apocalypse of Moses: chapter 19: And I opened to him and he walked a little way, then turned and said to me: 'I have changed my mind and I will not give thee to 'eat' until thou swear to me to give also to thy husband.' (And) I said. 'What sort of oath shall I swear to thee? Yet what I know, I say to thee: By the throne of the Master, and by the Cherubim and the Tree of Life! I will give also to my husband to 'eat'.' And when he had received the oath from me, he went and poured upon the fruit the poison of his wickedness, which is lust, the root and beginning of every sin, and he bent the branch on the earth and I took of the fruit and I ate.

Again a strange detail that Eve was able to open the Garden of Eden while it was guarded by the Cherubim's. It is obvious that here is prove again that the rewriter of the story overlooked this strange clause. The only one who could enter the Garden must have been a God himself who was familiar with the Cherubim's. Indeed he was and we met him already, Enki. The fact that Enki forced Eve to swear that Adam also would 'eat' of the plant is understandable because Enki had to bee sure that both of them would 'eat'.

Conclusion so far:

The God Enki, one of the triad of Gods, was the God who instructed Eve to 'eat' of the plant, the tree of good and evil, and NOT the Devil.

8. The Cherubim's

Who were the CHERUBIM'S, where did they come from?. Were they helpers of God? Would we consider them as a kind of angels?

we can read in The Bible as follows: Gn:3:24: So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the Garden of Eden Cherubim's, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

That's all the Bible has to see about the Cherubim. In The Apocalypse of Moses we can read likely the same story, but now without the 'Censure' of the Church Fathers and the Jews. Eve tells the story to their children and grandchildren.

chapter 22: And in that same hour, we heard the archangel Michael blowing with his trumpet and calling to the angels and saying: 'Thus saith the Lord, Come with me to Paradise and hear the judgment with which I shall judge Adam.' And when God appeared in paradise, mounted on the chariot of his cherubim with the angels proceeding before him and singing hymns of praises, all the plants of paradise, both of your father's lot and mine, broke out into flowers. And the throne of God was fixed where the Tree of Life was.

God arrived on 'a chariot of his Cherubim', So the Angels of God had Chariots to fly with, the meaning of 'Chariot' must be a kind of 'Spaceship or Airplane', we shall see later that this is the truth. Now we can imagine the God came to Paradise (the Garden of Eden) with his 'Chariot'. Later we will see in the book of Enoch that he also went back to paradise in a 'spaceship'

Consider also that in many scrolls is spoken of a Holy Mountain like Mountain SINAI and Mountain HERMON, Mountain ZION and others. These 'holy' mountains were no more then lancing platforms of the Gods. (I will come back in a later chapter to further discuss this subject).

Final Conclusions chapter 2:

The 'Earth' was a void planet that could be cultivated and was colonized by intelligences from elsewhere in the Universe (The Gods, Angels etc.). The Gods saw that the Earth was rich with raw materials (Gold etc.) they could use for themselves. They colonized the Earth and built space colonies on Earth (The Garden of Eden and others). The Gods brought 'workers or helpers' to the Earth called Angels. By the Sumerians called Anunnaki and Igigi. Adam and Eve belonged also to the Angels and came to Earth in a space-ship named 'PARADISE' in the third heaven.

The Gods came often to Earth in spaceships from their home-planet to see the progress in cultivating the Earth. After a long period the the Angels (workers) refused to do the work and 'The Eternal King' decided to send several Gods permanently to Earth to control the workers. At first two of them were designated as the Leader of the Gods on Earth, they were Enlil and Enki of which Enki was the scientist who was able to create 'slaves'. Some of the Angels (workers) refused to obey the leader Gods and became 'Fallen Angels'.

Of the Angels who obeyed the Gods, the good or bright Angels, also called Heavenly Angels Nephilim, Arch Angels, Seraphim and Cherubim (Watchers), was the most important Michael (see chapter 3). The Angels who refused to obey (sinned) the Gods became The Fallen Angels, the most important were : Satan, Adam, Eve and many others. (see chapter 3 and 4)

The leader Gods created a slave race to do the work for the Angels, a new race from their Genes and from the Genes of the most advanced primates who lived on the Earth in ancient times, maybe HOMO ERECTUS, their offspring was called MAN and they were Giants. By the Sumerian called Demigods.

'The Garden of Eden' was a space colony with spaceships and a landing platform and was used to cultivate and colonize the Earth for Adam and Eve and other creatures who were doomed out of 'Paradise', and were still on the Earth when Adam died, 930 years after creation. (see later in chapter 3)

The 'Cave of Treasures' was situated on Earth on a mountain and was used as a kind of supply room with 'instruments' needed to cultivate the Earth.

Moses was not the writer of 'The Pentateuch' but 'the Angels of God'

The Gods, ELOHIM, El Elyon, (Aliens) have visited our Earth in ancient times, the most important were:

The ANU the Heavenly King, ENLIL the God of Air and ENKI the God of Water and Wisdom were the leaders or Triad (Trinity) of the Gods by the Sumerians.

1. The Sumerian God Anu was the same as the Biblical God YA'EL or God the most high, the God who created the Angels, including Adam, Eve and Cain and several Demons, including Satan and Monsters. Anu was the God who was unfriendly and angry to Adam an Eve in the Garden of Eden; in other stories he is known as the God YA'EL or Eternal King and in the Bible during the lifetime of Abraham he is called 'God the most High', the God of Melchizedek. He was a short tempered God and unfriendly to Mankind

2. The Sumerian God Enlil, son of Anu, He was, like his father, a short tempered God and unfriendly to Mankind. He was the same as the Biblical God EL and the God ALLAH in the Quran, the God who tried to destroy all life on Earth with the Great Flood. (see later chapter 5 and 6).

3. The Sumerian God Enki, EA or YAH was the same as the Biblical God YAH, the scientist, physician and Creator of Man and Men. Enki was the God who recreated Adam and Eve. From his name was later derived YAHWEH, the God of the Hebrews and Jews although he was not the same (see later chapter 9). Enki 'loved' his creations as his own children and subdued ANU and ENLIL his fellow leader of the Gods several times to save his creations. He was the God who comforted Adam and Eve after they were expelled from the Garden of Eden and helped them surviving on Earth (see later in this chapter and in chapter 3). He saved Noah from the Great Flood with the Arc (see later chapter 5 and 6). By the Hebrews, Jews and Christians he is known as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. His sign, a serpent, is still used today by Physicians.

The creations were :

1. The Generations of Heavens were called Angels (Lower, Heavenly and Arch Angels). The Sumerians called them Anunnaki (see later)

2. The Man of Genesis 1 (Male and Female), second creation (Arch Angels)

3. The Man called Adam, third creation, also an Arch angel (see later)

4. Eve, in the likeness of Adam, fourth creation

5. Cain, fifth creation

6. MEN, sixth creation (see chapter 6, 7 and 8)

Adam and Eve were 'Fallen Angels'

Moses was not the writer of 'The Pentateuch' but 'the Angels of God'

The Garden of Eden was situated in the Arabia peninsula, south of present An-Nafud desert and north of present Rub-Al-Khali desert in the Saudi Arabia.

The God Enki, one of the triad of Gods, was the God who instructed Eve to 'eat' of the plant, the tree of good and evil, and NOT Satan or the Devil.

In the next chapter we will look at The Generation Table from the period of the dead of Adam until Noah.

For further use I've created a Creature table (this table will be used in my whole book):

The CREATURE table

The GODS, ELOHIM (AN, ENLIL, ENKI and others) 'GODS'
Heavenly and Arch Angels, Seraphim, Nephilim. 'ANGELS'
The Fallen Angels: Satana, Adam and Eve, Watchers 'Naphilim'
The Children of the Devil and Watchers, Cain MAN 'GIANTS'
Adam, Eve (The Children of God), SETH - NOAH MAN, Watchers 'Nephilim'
The Demy GOD'S (Chapter 5, 6 and 7) 'Anakim'
DEMONS and MONSTERS, children of the evil Giants 'DEMONS'
HOMO SAPIENS (MEN) created shortly after the great flood 'MEN'
Last modified onWednesday, 19 October 2016 13:27


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